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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Beats me, people saying “if you’re tired enough you can sleep anywhere”, making me laugh my exhausted ass off (and feel jealous af, but can’t really hold it against them).

    I’ve spent more nights than I can count laid in bed for hours, absolutely shattered, wanting nothing but sleep, and none has come. Then when I do finally fall asleep, it isn’t for long or of any decent quality (as in EtraordinaryJoe’s case - chronic pain will do that to you), so I’m still always tired, and yet still unable to just fall asleep.

    My trick to getting to sleep at night is weed and a meal, to help induce food coma, which again, isn’t quality sleep, but it’s better than nothing…

  • And some just see those who militantly focus on attacking fellow individuals instead of the systems that are actually to blame (but which they otherwise support and/or benefit from, like capitalism, racism, and ableism) counterproductive, annoying, and hypocritical.

    The militant vegans I have come across, and being vegan myself, it’s a lot, far too many (E: to the point I actively avoid vegan spaces), are almost exclusively drowning in so much privilege, they can’t see how ridiculous they’re being in their bizarre militancy of policing other people’s plates instead of the actual industries abusing animals (and humans, who these vegans rarely to never pay any thought to, not out loud or in their actions, anyway).

    (before I even hit send: if you feel personally attacked by my comment - that’s a sign for you to think about it with yourself and ideally do something about it, not try and prove me wrong, inevitably proving me 100% right)

  • Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues

    JFC, so just say you’re an enthusiastic ableist… You honestly don’t deserve any attention beyond that point, but since I’m here, and you’re full of shit, I’ll give it a quick note in case anyone actually buys in to your bad bad take:

    The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

    No where do I even imply anything near “don’t punch a Nazi”, what I’m literally saying is “don’t make fun of people for wearing diapers” and “criticise nazis for their nazi actions, not for what they wear”
    According to you we should go around making fun of everyone who wears diapers because you can’t think of a better way to tell them apart from fucking Nazis., and also are unable to think of better things to criticise them for, than wearing said diaper.

    You’re a pathetic ableist joke who clearly cares more about their “right” to abuse disabled people than their duty to do anything against nazis. You’re literally playing their game for them - shifting focus away from them being fascist, right in to the ableist jokes you just find too funny to not participate in, to the point of making the exact same kinds of excuses they do.

    Congratulations, you’re on the wrong side, no matter what nonsense you tell yourself to feel better.

  • But we’re not the ones making that noise.

    It was shared for the sole purpose of ridicule. Have you seen some of these fucking comments?? How about instead of getting defensive (and invoking his mockery of disabled people in your defence of… mocking disabled people, who you may not intend to mock, but who you do when you ridicule and stigmatise things they use), just, you know, don’t make fun of medical aids and people who use them, and attack fascists on the grounds of their fucking fascism instead???

  • The problem is - they don’t give a fuck about the hypocrisy, so all that’s left is the ableism, from both those who regularly harm disabled people ignorantly using diapers to make whatever statement, and those mocking them for wearing them (and no one is going to ask them each individually about their medical needs, so you can never actually know if it is legitimate use or not). The impact remains - adults wearing diapers are the punch line, deepening an already existing and harmful stigma, for no other reason than a cheap and ableist laugh.

  • Our culture promotes a climate of toxicity toward intellectually disabled people, and part of that is in the words we use. By condoning the casual use of ableist slurs, we tacitly permit more severe abuses. Because we undermine the people, we also undermine accountability for their abusers. We fail to construct a healing path forward.
    The frustration that we feel over bigotry can be expressed in so many ways. We don’t need to rely on ableist slurs. Alternative phrases are more descriptive, and more accurate; unintelligence is not the prevailing problem with right wing extremists, for instance, nor is it the cause of their actions. Ignorance, prejudice, and disregard for the rights of others are.
    Conflating harmful actions with lack of intelligence does everyone a disservice. To suggest that “stupidity” that is what makes people act badly undermines any real accountability. The causes of problematic behavior rarely have anything to do with mental acuity, and we can’t properly address harmful behavior while being so reductive about its causes. Carelessness, bias, hatred, greed, closed-mindedness, indifference – these are the traits that lead to oppression. Our intelligence is not the issue so much as our sense of compassion and justice.
    A person can be unintelligent and still know right from wrong. There are people with cognitive disabilities who I respect a thousand times more than those who are supposedly more abled. They have stronger principles, seek to better themselves, and are committed to being good people. They are just capable of being sensitive and caring as everyone else. To imply that they aren’t is outrageous.
    I get it. Changing the way we speak is really tough. Words are the fabric of our thoughts. Re-forming the words that we use means reshaping our minds. But that’s exactly why it’s so necessary and so potent. Just as we cannot shape a new society without fully deconstructing the old, we cannot liberate our minds without dismantling the ways we think and communicate.


  • Yes, real men, real women, real people of any or no gender, and of all ages, wear diapers. That is not something anyone should be shamed or ridiculed for.

    I don’t give a shit if trump or his supporters wear them, they are out there causing actual harm to others, and there is plenty to actually criticise them for, why the fuck resort to this ableist bullshit? We rightfully give them shit for judging others by what’s in their pants, yet gleefully judge them for what they wear under theirs?

    Fuck this noise.

  • While I’m autistic and have my own issues with food, we’re all different and have our own lists of “safe” and “unsafe” foods, so I don’t have any specific advice other than please, please don’t listen to the people who want you to abuse your child by either forcing, or withholding food.

    Post this in an autistic group if you want to hear how well that actually works (that’s actually the best advice I can give in general - follow autistic people and spaces, listen to autistic adults who have been there and know what your child is going through, and, often with the opposite intent, the damage their parent or guardian or doctor or “therapist” did to their mental and general health and wellbeing because they were treated as “poorly behaved” neurotypicals, instead of the neurodiverse individuals that they (we) are).

    E: even if it turns out they aren’t autistic, forcing and/or withholding food is still just as shitty a thing to do.