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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Never do anything permanent to my body, unless it is medically necessary.

    People come in and out of life… Let them.

    Do not date at work.

    Under absolutely no circumstance do I mess with people in relationships.

    Friends that are dating:
    If they break up and I’m interested in her… I give one month per year of time, one month minimum, before I approach her. That helps prevent hurt feelings, it also prevents being the “rebound”. Although, one time it cost me a possible relationship as she broke up with her fiancee’ and immediately approached me. Unfortunately, she never came out an positively stated they were broken up and it caused quite a bit of awkwardness on my part. She ended up hating my guts, but honestly I probably just dodged a bullet.

    Give yourself the respect you deserve. Corollary: Behave in a manner that you can respect.

    There are more, but this is what I have time to type out right now.

  • 54M with a L4/L5 bulge here. Happened 4 years ago.

    Been on 900mg Gabapentin ever since. The bulge is non-operable as it is not large enough. I know what you’re thinking, if it’s so small, what’s my problem? The bulge is sitting perfectly on the nerve (sciatic?) going down my right leg. Ever since, my right leg has felt partially asleep and with out the gabapentin I get a lot of lower back pain.

    I have a few other issues due to it as well. Using the full strength in my right leg results in painful cramps throughout the entire leg. I don’t have the full control over the leg. Walking over rough ground can be interesting, because the leg isn’t doing exactly what I tell it to do. It’s not enough to stop me from doing things, but it can make hiking interesting at times.

    Yes, I did physical therapy. Even to this day, I still do the exercises the therapist had me doing.

    I’m about 15 pounds overweight, but I am active.

    This is the way I’m going to be for the rest of my life, barring some procedure being developed that makes correcting a bulge like mine safe to correct.

  • Professionally, not at all. My company doesn’t use Crowdstrike. Unlike one of my former employers who had thousands of systems down for days. The Field techs there made a killing in overtime.

    Personally: My (54m) oldest kid (17m) was stuck at Laguardia for 10 hours. Fortunately, a great gate agent at LGA got him on a flight that evening, with a first class upgrade, to get him into an airport about 1.5 hour drive from the house. I picked him up at midnight and home by 1:30.

  • It was the Halloween boogie 1999 at Skydive Greene County in Xenia, OH. We were jumping a CASA 212’ which at the time was the largest jump ship in the US. It was Sunday morning, first load of the day and I was sitting up by the cockpit. The previous night was filled by a party and a ton of beer.

    At about 9000 feet my bowels started rumbling, at 10k I released. All 30 people on the plane started gagging. The pilots opened the rear door to air out the cabin. As any pilot will tell you, a fart at altitude is a dangerous thing.

    The Drop Zone Owner warned us that if he catches the culprit, that person would receive a permanent ban from the DZ.

    I was suspected, as were a couple of people that had been sitting near me, as that part of the plane is where the smell was most intense. But no one fessed up.

    I jumped there for another 7 years.

  • Oh god, the bowling alleys. The stink of cigarettes, soggy fried food, and machine oil that didn’t just destroy your clothes, but actually permeated your soul.

    Both of my parents smoked. My two brothers and I would take a pair of scissors and cut the cigarette in front of their faces when they would go and light up.

    I don’t remember how long it took to get them to quit, but they finally did.

    It’s just not the health aspect, but smoking is just absolutely disgusting. A smoker just stinks to high heaven and they make everything around them stink long after they leave. How they are not completely mortified by that, I will never know.

    Then add the expense and the deleterious health impact.

    It begs the question…

    What the actual fuck?

  • I lie about everything… Even this comment is a lie.

    In all seriousness, I do enough misdirection that it would be difficult to figure out who I am. But not impossible. Once in a while I’ll post something that is completely out of character for me, just to throw off anyone that may actually know me.

    Here is an example of why:

    I have a former coworker fishing for me on Reddit and he is unaware that I no longer post on that site, or even have an account. A friend of mine clued me in to one of former coworker’s posts which mixed a bit of truth in with some massive delusional lies. So once in a while I’ll pull up his Reddit account to see if there is anything I need to send to my lawyer. Yeah, it’s one of those situations. The post I was originally made aware of made my lawyer giddy and he was disappointed that I declined to set him loose. Former Coworker is a narcissistic loser that lives credit card payment to credit card payment anyway. The best way to deal with a narcissist is with indifference.

    So yeah, my posts are true to the point where identifiable information is needed. Then I mis-direct.

  • As a Certified Lotus PROFESSIONAL, I take extreme issue with your characterization of Lotus Notes/Domino.

    It’s a huge steaming pile of dog shit and you’re being WAY too easy on it. Why insurance companies and Coca Cola used it extensively is beyond me. But my God did they love it for some reason.

    I got a CLP simply because I worked for a managed services vendor at the time and they signed a huge contract with Coca Cola and they needed a Domino admin to help out with a migration. I think it was 4.6 to 5.5 if I recall correctly. Yeah, long time ago. I went on to do a lot of Domino related projects. Lousy certification that probably made me more money than any of the others I have held over the years.

  • I was on a 4-way and 8-way competitive team and we had sponsorship for most of the time we were together. When your training jumps are free, you do a lot of them. All of my winter vacations for years was to Florida or Arizona to jump.

    As to what made me stop, the team finally disintegrated due to personality differences. It was fairly acrimonious and people whom I had been jumping along side for years, turned out to not be friends at all. I stopped competing and did other things. Got my PRO license and jumped into a few stadiums, a NASCAR race once, and more than one air show. I stopped doing those types of jumps, when an idiot from the FAA tried to tell us that our final turn to land had to be over 1000ft, which is insane and not safe. This was at an airshow and we were landing in an airport. He wouldn’t budge on it though, because he was just a god damn whuffo on a power trip. I made a normal turn to final, which was about 300 feet anyway. I decided that was the last time I was going to put my safety in the hands of someone that had no clue what they were talking about, even if I was making money at it.

    Later at my home DZ, I landed after a pretty good fun jump and started gathering my main and just felt… Nothing. The jump went well, but it just didn’t mean a whole lot to me. I was apathetic. Add to that, I was dating the future Mrs CanopyFlyer and while she supported my jumping, she is no jumper. She’s never been on a plane smaller than a CRJ. Where I’ve jumped from Sport Planes, that are just one step up from an Ultralight. A lot of people have pointed to her as my reason for stopping, but really she is what kept me jumping that last year. It was just time to move on.

    Would I jump again? I’m no longer capable of jumping as I injured my back two years ago. While I would not be paralyzed or anything like that, a hard opening would carry the risk of making the pain I deal with every day a whole lot worse. It’s hell to get old.