• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • The thing with serial killing, is that it is very difficult to hide.
    Some of the hardest cases can be for instance a nurse at a hospital killing in a way that appear natural.
    But even that gets detected quicker than you would think, because while 1 killing can be a fluke death, already at 2 killings, it can throw off the statistics and cause an investigation. With 3 it’s almost impossible the incidents can’t be tracked back to the person who did it.
    An other situation can be a woman who kill their husband for inheritance, and then does it a second time. That second time is usually enough for alarm bells to sound for families of the deceased. Resulting in more thorough police investigations.

    Obviously it can happen they get away with it, but I’m confident, that by far the most serial killers are caught, because it’s insanely difficult to hide multiple killings.

  • This is not just modern age, this is how it has been for as long as our knowledge reach back. Women are less prone to violence than men.

    Some say testosterone makes men more aggressive, but the problem is that the difference in aggressive behavior can be observed before sexual hormones kick in.

    Another possibility could be social structures.

    This article says there are 2 theories:

    One being male competition for reproduction, and the other social.

    Problem is IMO, that it doesn’t swing with behavioral studies of children, that to me seem to exclude both as the fundamental course for higher male aggression and tendency towards violence.
    Seems to me it goes deeper, yes we do have competition for reproduction, but so do women, and women can be quite competitive and aggressive about it too, but generally in a less violent way.

    A third more likely possibility IMO, is that in a society where mankind consisted of small nomadic groups, the men had a role of protecting the group, while women protected the children.
    This role for the male, needs the male to be less prone to fear of consequences of violence, giving the ability to confront danger, where women protecting the children were probably more prone to evade danger.

    So yes you could say it’s based on a social role, but that role is not just learned, it’s a genetically encoded social role, that is then reinforced by social structure and hormones. Obviously women have the ability to take the role if needed, because we are sentient beings with ability to learn traits.
    Now there is a curiosity in that women have actually become relatively MORE prone to violence for the past 50 years. And the above hypothesis does not explain that.

    As I see it, there must be new factors playing a role that did not exist previously. I suspect it could be an increase of man made hormone like chemicals in the environment, that influence our behavior.

  • Are you sure this is actually the goal?
    Aid to developing countries from the west does not have a very good track record either.
    Obviously if China can build the economies of those countries, it would benefit China in the long run, while controlling an economy that runs at a deficit is not that attractive.
    You may be right, but I’m just not sure it really makes as much sense as many people seem to believe.

  • This sounds like blown up bullshit.
    How does this speed limiter work exactly, I don’t see that mentioned anywhere.
    If I drive Autobahn it’s not the same as driving passed a school in the city. How does the speed limiter know the speed limit?
    To know that accurately, sounds like a somewhat expensive mandatory piece of equipment.
    And how come I have heard absolutely zero about this from either car reviewers or local news media?

    I looked it up for my country (Denmark), these are NOT mandatory that I can find, and they can ONLY be installed by public authorized shops, and from the paperwork required, it seems like the installer decides the limit, there are no mandatory limits.

    So it seems like the whole story is bullshit.



    Intelligent speed assistance seems to be a thing, but this is a pretty crucial part:

    The ISA system is required to work with the driver and not to restrict his/her possibility to act in any moment during driving. The driver is always in control and can easily override the ISA system.

    From the OP the Guardian article:

    Drivers of most new cars will be familiar with similar features already installed, but they are currently easy to override.

    Yes and that’s how it will continue to be with Intelligent speed assistance.

    Article is bullshit these are NOT speed limiters, which is a completely different thing, despite that I can see numerous articles in English erroneously calling this speed limiters, when it’s nothing of the sort.

    Otherwise, what’s an ACTUAL speed limiter called? You know like what is popular in many new cars, that have speed limiters that prevent you from driving faster than for instance 160 km/h.