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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Mostly agree, but. As far as I understand it, for TSLA the majority of the bull run is due to relatively small investors riding the hype. Big stakes are indeed rare to change hands, and mostly outside the marketplaces. Should the small guys really change their mind on the stocks, they (or at least the first wave) will easily dump it, and that will move the market by a lot. We can probably see it in YTD results, but still there is no dumping, in my opinion. Just a correction, so far.
    Personally would not buy now, though )

  • I have seen too many absolutists with claims that sound really nice, until they meet the reality. Like the ones who were trying to cancel Rowling, for example. All of that does not mean, of course, that we all should wear bulletproof vests all the time because someone may start shooting any moment (and not only in the U of S, we here across the pond also see someone with crazy eyes stabbing random people from time to time. US is on another level though). Just need to use the brain and take potential risks into account.

  • An interesting thread. As a father of a young daughter I do share the same concerns and would be cautious with sending my kid to a sleepover like that. That is, if i don’t know the guy well enough. And i do not care if anyone calls me a bigot for me being protective for the person I am legally required to protect.
    That is, of course this would be not the only possible red flag for me, and until my girl is capable of looking after herself (that may happen earlier than legal age, judging by her strong spirit and success in various sports), I’ll continue to be cautious. On the other hand, I’d do my best to not share this line of reasoning with the girl herself. This particular case does not seem like a good learning opportunity for a “stranger danger” lesson.