This conspiracy can still be true, even if you assume Elon is an idiot.
This conspiracy can still be true, even if you assume Elon is an idiot.
Yeah, it seems like this lady succeeded here…in getting a 30 day delay, after which she will still be held liable for the debt she owes.
Fake news, we all know water was invented near 1500 BC. What seems more reasonable; That they somehow discovered water 1500 years early, or the aliens just used their commercial masonry bits?
I only partake in craft, independently brewed bad decisions thank you very much.
So they can’t spare $80, but they decided to have a kid? Do they have any clue how much a kid will cost them?
Hmb while I go kill someone for not keeping the holy sabbath day and honoring their father and mother cuz god recommended it.
1337x is known to host some game cracks with malicious bitcoin miners built-in. If you don’t play cracked games, maybe it’s nbd, but it still stands that you shouldn’t trust them.
Not really, but you can get a virus from movie.mkv.exe, which will probably show up in windows as “movie.mkv” but will actually run a program.
That being said, I’ve never actually seen this in the wild and it was mainly talked about in the mp3 era.
Do somebody say Rock And Stone?
[email protected] is all you need to know
Arrrrrrooooooooooo MFER!!!1!!!
Can’t wait to see how far we’ll break the record on largest hurricane ever this year!
I know, my response remains unchanged.
If you aren’t ready to lose the money no matter what, perhaps it’s not the best way to spend your money. Hot air baloons are like boats, they’re for people who need a way to lose money when they have too much.
I used to have a job that was really into the Core Value Index. I thought it was pretty awesome because their categories were really simple and there are only 4 so you can really wrap your head around the whole thing at once.
It’s not a full personality test, it’s more focused on trying to answer the question “How do you want ideas presented to you?” And. “How do you prefer to interpret ideas?” I found myself making meanful changes in how I worked with coworkers where I knew their results, which isn’t something anyone can manage with more complicated tests.
Still confused why that fiasco didn’t end his political career forever.
The solution here isn’t to buy brand name, it’s to not buy plastic bags. Put your stuff in hard sided Tupperware or old pasta jars. Brand name plastic bags probably have just as many ptfas.
There was a huge disparity in opinion between black and white communities at the time of the trial:
Good thing I have Woody Allen to remind me all movies suck. I guess he can’t be wrong, so I must have hallucinated the whole thing while watching Dune Part 2.
By 2050, there might even be 70 years of oil left!