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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Let’s say there’s a pair of new parents, and that they don’t have family support. This is already a common reality for many new families.

    Let’s say that now there’s a mandated enlistment because of a war. Which parent will go? Will they play rock paper scissors, or will they have to trust the government to randonly decide for them? Is it ethical for the government to decide who goes? Is it ethical for them to make new parents make that choice?

    If they’re both going, who will care for the young child? I certainly wouldn’t trust strangers to watch babies en masse if the parents would be gone for a very long time at minimum.

    Maybe mandated enlistment isn’t where it’s at, and maybe we should also be making sure that we’re giving people a reason to want to fight for their country again. Laws against fleeing will only do so much when we have such a large planet.

    Do you do a better job when you’re forced to do something, or do you do a better job when you’re passionate about something?

  • If a kid sees their mom and dad smoking all the time, they’ll probably start to believe that it’s not as dangerous as other people say. “They seem to be fine, so I should be fine too.” I legitimately heard this often while growing up, sadly. If you grow up around a bad smell, you might not think of it as “bad” smell, since you’re already used to it.

    If someone is already depressed and hates life, they might not care about the harm that they’re causing themselves 20 years later. I’ve known way too many people who didn’t believe that they would stay alive until adulhood. Some of these people started these bad habits expecting to not have to stick around long enough to deal with the consequences.

    Throw in the chaos of the last handful of years, along with the constantly depleting mental health resources, and I can’t say that I’m really all that suprised.

    Even today, many countries have certain types of people trying to obliterate what’s left of mental health resources. Then they wonder why their kids are struggling with mental health.

    I can only imagine what it’s going to be like for Gen Alpha when they get older, poor kids.

  • Oh, fair enough lol. I wasn’t sure if I might have missed something myself, so I figured I would ask just in case.

    I agree though. It would be nice to not have to worry about being falsely sued, but other people have other ideas. These people give a terrible name to other people like the poor lady from the McDonald’s case. I can’t imagine coffee so hot that it fuses skin together. It’s horrible that she also had to deal with the media after being put through pain that would be incomprehensible for most of us.

    If suing is intentionally only done for a happy quick buck, I think it’s just as bad as a scam, if not worse. Instead of just taking money, it also takes the person’s time. Time that people need for work, family, necessities, etc.

  • Not to detract from your point, but the waiver arguably wasn’t because of an American accent.

    A lot of Canadians know about the dangers of ground beef, isn’t it the same in the US? Most of the people commenting on this mention nothing about the food safety aspect. You can catch a lot of nasty things from undercooked meat.

    It’s not like you can sterilize the entire cow, and most restaurants don’t have their own slaughterhouse in the back. The whole reason that system works is that we cook the beef thoroughly. If we don’t cook it thoroughly, lots of those nasty things might still be there. You can’t see, smell or taste most of them.

    If I absolutely HAD to serve a customer that, I would likely add a waiver too. I would probably prefer to just send them away instead, though. One person’s whims would be a shite reason to lose your restaurant license, regardless of where that person is from.

    Do you have any sources backing up the claim that it was because the customer was American, and that it was not because it went against common food safety protocol?

  • I think it’s another one of those things where words and phrases change meaning over time.

    Righteous is equal to justifiable. Indignant is equal to showing anger.

    Logically, it should mean justifiably angry. Often times, people will just ignore and skip over the first word and will only properly read “indignant”.

    I think it’s similar to when people say words like “irregardless”. They use it to mean “regardless”. If you break the word down, the double negative makes it a positive. It looks like it should read as being the same as “regarding”, but people had other ideas lol

    Another fun one: “eggcorn” has been added to some dictionaries as a synonym for “acorn”.

  • It’s always odd when people stretch inclusivity to mean that absolutely everyone should be able to freely breeze past any and all possible barriers, with no effort.

    Internet security, you guys. There has to be SOME minimum activity requirement, or this whole site would be swamped with an insane number of bots. There are multiple written tutorials and video tutorials that tell you exactly what to click and when, in order to sign up. How much easier does it need to be to join? What can you do beyond a video walkthrough for account creation? How the hell did they join reddit? I just don’t get it.

    Sometimes these topics kind of remind me of people like the parents who argue that babies and toddlers belong at raves and busy nightclubs. Sometimes having multiple different groups are ok. You don’t usually see videos about how to fix your car on the cooking channel. You also don’t usually get proper accounting advice from random insect documentaries.

  • I could definitely see that happening somewhere where presrcibing marijuana medically is a thing. Edibles aren’t for everyone, and the doctor doesn’t want their patients to inhale smoke. So, they might go the vape route. I imagine it to be similar to how some people have to drink their medicine because they can’t swallow pills. That might also just be the preferred method. Not everyone likes the smell of burning weed, for example. It could also be the flavour, the feeling when inhaling, or something else entirely.

  • Sometimes it’s almost like people see Israel or Hamas as their favorite sports team. As if anything they do is morally correct, just because “their team” did it.

    I can’t get over how fucking terrible this is for everyone who is trapped there, due to absolutely no fault of their own. Even literal babies are dying.

    Before anyone says “they were voted in”; sure. They were voted in many years ago. However, a large part of the population over there was way too young to vote at the time.

    It’s sick that some deem other people’s lives as worthless, just because of location.

    I can’t even begin to imagine the grief, loss, and suffering that’s happening to so many people. Any one of us could have easily been there too, it’s not like we can just pick where we’re born. You don’t work hard to pick a country of origin, you get what you get. Those innocent civilians are no more deserving of death than anyone else on earth. It’s sad that I half expect someone to reply and try to explain why murdering children is ok.

    I don’t care if it’s Israel, Hamas, or the freaking Easter bunny. Murder is murder. War crimes are still war crimes. Those children are still dead.