• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • Which I would certainly engage in if I wouldn’t remember you personally as a troll who cares little of civility.

    If someone else is up for debating it, I’m always here.

    Also, one thing you genuinely caught me on is a bit of an emotional outburst, while I generally am the one picking civility card. Good job! I do apologize for that part.

    The coordinates are heavily skewed and likely to either be formed in a right-wing society or intentionally made as to confuse people.

  • “HB enthusiasts coming here and trying to call me out achieves nothing besides proving my point”

    Without taking any sides, saying some group is insane and then saying that them lashing back “proves your point” is beyond stupid.

    Like, of course they will, what else do you expect them to do? Sit and politely agree?

    We should stop with this kind of BS in any sort of debate. Groups will protect themselves, and will not get polite to those who throw slurs at them; that’s natural, normal and speaks nothing about their average behavior.

    This never proves any point and is nothing but a dirty rhetorical device aimed to shut your opposition up and make them seem irrelevant. This is not part of any possible healthy conversation.

    Also, post is not a genuine question.

  • Any country committing genocide should be stopped from being able to commit it. That means putting meaningful sanctions that impact military complex and, when possible, directly confronting the force on the battlefield.

    Not restricting athletes who have nothing to do with this from competing.

    People seemingly forget that a country is not a singular entity or a hive mind. Actual people live there, and those who do not endorse violence shouldn’t face struggles and consequences because of those who do - at least to a practical degree. Punishing athletes for the actions of Israeli command is picking a wrong target.

  • It’s just a general assertion that if you let a person in your country, you treat them as anyone else.

    Besides, those athletes have done nothing wrong except being born in a country whose leadership decided to go full bloody. They need those performances for their professional career, and that’s why they went there anyway.

    Being horrified by the war doesn’t mean being hostile to the Olympic team. I, for one, am full pro-Palestine in a war, but fail to see why we should transform it into hostility towards Israeli athletes. Same with many people in France, I assume.

    It is debatable whether Israel should have been allowed; on one side, not letting them in would be a political sign, on the other, it could radicalize people and cut the ties that were in place to promote peace of all things.

    But athletes themselves did nothing wrong unless personally endorsing the genocide, and shouldn’t be treated like unwelcome invaders.

    And there’s no point comparing it to the death toll of Palestinians; two wrongs don’t make a right. Sure, conflict in Gaza is a much more urgent and serious problem, but that doesn’t mean hostility against Israeli athletes should be ignored.

  • I feel like I always had that “I don’t socialize correctly” vibes, always feeling like I’m out of context and weird and not cool.

    But then I realized something.

    Cool people are literally the same. They don’t do some special “cool” things, they just better fit the given community with their traits. I can be cool too, I just need a room of nerds!..and apparently YES, that’s all it took. Now I am cool in my circle, respected by my friends and they actually invite me to spend time with them and are happy when I can turn up. And I also have a girlfriend who adores me and is happy to spend every bit of time with me, too!

    Also, all the culture, all the behaviors are all interconnected. You can absolutely have someone into national dances or writing books suddenly turn to hard rock and be completely integral with it! Behaviors, art forms, forms of expression constantly reappear in society, and a lot of what we see today we’ve seen centuries or millennia ago.

    So whichever way you socialize, you are not doing it wrong. You are not weird or out of place - society always had people like you, society has them now, and your best bet is to find your people. You are not outdated or ahead of time - modern culture is not fundamentally different from anything that has been before or will be after. You are a real integral part of society, in whatever form you exist, and you create and form it.

  • You raised a very important point, as I see it.

    One thing we should remember is that incels become so not through the evil hearts, but through disappointment in society in general and women in particular.

    Blaming incels only makes it worse, in a way.

    Calling out? Good, especially in private. Going hostile? No, thanks. While incel mentality may often make a person aggressive, this is absolutely the case when return aggression is more of a reinforcement than anything.

    For you personally I wish to find the person who fits and likes you. I would warn against dating services, though, as they are known drivers of frustration - and they are designed to keep you hooked, which means not actually giving you the person you’ll love (and leave the service for good). Communities around common interests seem to me like the best place to find both friends and lovers.