I hadn’t even noticed the shells or the flag, thanks for such a detailed post.
Whereas I love onions and garlic, but the texture of bananas and dragon fruit, bleurgh.
Full stops also exist. Both are fine.
Stupid human doesn’t even know what a violin looks like.
blindingly obvious
It’s pretty close to that.
while another is still able to perceive certain frequencies, and yet another just needs it to be really fucking loud but if it is they hear just fine.
They would be hard of hearing rather than deaf.
The aftermath of someone being decimated by a truck. That sight belonged in an abbatoir, not on the road.
Use an adblocker, of course. Never had an issue.
A primary school child took a gun to school, so apparently there needs to be a manual (and, well, training?) as a mandatory thing.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, who rejoice in the deaths of children. The whole thing is utterly bizarre.
Earplugs/headphones, loose clothes, a warm top just in case it’s chilly, a small pillow, empty bottle to refill after you get through security.
Even residue is enough to get you fucked royally in the UAE.
No no, you said period, the end, so stop. I don’t need anything further from you.
Shit, you got me.
I really don’t care. I’m not American, I don’t live there. It’s on you.
If you do not agree, you do not know enough. Period.
Lol. Your arrogance is astounding.
That isn’t true.