Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024


  • I wanted to be a story board artist. I wanted to work in Animation. I just never could get work (and to be fair, I’m not the best artist). It broke my heart. I regret choosing a creative field for school. My lack of talent and forethought is something I regret. I live with the reprocussions of that choice every day. I cried when I watch Arcane. Not because of the story, but I so wished I could have been apart of that quality of artistry. Now I’m doomed to the same job I wanted to avoid because that’s a I can do (customer service based). I’ve had multiple breakdowns since college and probably will until I die 😂

    I didn’t think animation would be easy, or even fun, all the time. But I wonder nearly every day how it would of panned out if I made different choices, if I was smarter, more talented, more motivated, just a better human being. Since I’llikely be working until I die, I often think do “skipping” to the end.

  • Knitting: My mom gave me a knitting book when I was little and I just kind of never stopped. I knit/craft on and off now.

    Video Games: I guess I was just raised around them. My mom and grandma had a Nintendo, and my grandma had a Sega Genesis (she really like sonic). They were just always there in some capacity.

    Birdwatching: I bought a bird feeder to give my cat some “cat TV” and now I’m just heavily invested in them for some reason. Merlin Bird ID is my pokedex ❤️

  • I actually stayed after the API (I used Relay and paid), but Reddit just seems… Mean, I guess. People say awful things to each other on there, and the shift in the community has been distressing. It also feels like the dead internet theory in practice. Repost after repost, bots commenting, commenting to themselves/each other. Ads, and not regular ads but “omg, I just happened to go to McDonald’s and got this ccrrraaazzzyyy drink.” And, God, so many communities about just women? Big tits, small, tits, red head, goth, this celebrity, that instamodel. It’s like a menagerie of porn over there. And not even anything good.

    I also realized I was blocking way more than I was looking at. I didn’t feel good after being on reddit. I either had my feelings hurt, was outraged, or disappointed because I was comparing myself to everyone. I don’t think that it’s reddit fault for all of that, but I like this better. I know this may sound backhanded, but there’s less here. I remember feeling kind of bored when I first switched. Like, where’s my endless stream of garbage??? But I find myself looking at my phone less, and I feel like the information I do see makes me want to engage more. I’ve posted more on this account than I have in my entire time on reddit, and I was on that site for almost 7 years. It’s not that everyone agrees with me, but I’m not afraid I’m going to get my head chewed off if I get something wrong. It feels like moving from table to table at a bar I guess. I’ve never been to a bar, instead of trying to hear a voice through a mosh pit.

  • Can’t speak for all, but back pain and comfort. Also, large breasts can have difficulty getting air under there which can cause irritations. Sometimes it’s just to keep your breasts off your stomach. I wear sports bras and have “special” bras, but my hatred of bras has really dimished when I accepted sports bra life.

    I also just don’t like them “loose?” Like, I don’t want to bend over and have them go awol, even if I’m at home. Also, can store stuff in the bra and I have dropped my phone on the floor thinking I had a bra to catch it 😭