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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Agreed and agreed. But an addendum regarding mattresses: No matter what the salespeople tell you, most mattresses with pocketed coil springs are pretty much the same apart from hardness, especially with a compensating mattress topper. Just get one that feels right to you, definitely don’t think that more expensive=better, mattress-wise.

    More money advice: Most things come in two tiers worth purchasing: “nice” and “wow”.

    “Nice” are the things experts deem good enough, or clothes-wise ones that you can see yourself actually wearing across multiple years, both durability- and appearance-wise. Affordable, and you like them. A useable placeholder, if you will.

    “Wow” are the things that you’ve been steadily dreaming of for years, or ones that catch your eye even if you weren’t looking. “Buy it for life” stuff. Solid whole wood furniture, that teapot or coffee maker you’ve been dreaming of. A designer winter coat that only costs 20 times your old one. 🫣 On these you look at the price tag after; you want it, you get it, and if it breaks, you repair it. If it’s affordable, or if you find more than one of these every 1-3 years, consider yourself very lucky.

    Nothing below “nice” is worth getting, and very few things between “nice” and “wow” are worth getting.

  • I think that for most, this was a shift from “mildly opposed” to “mildly supportive, and if you’re going to do it, do it now”.

    At least my pro/con list hasn’t changed, just the odds. I still think we’re more likely to be dragged into war somewhere far away than being attacked ourselves, and that the US is an unreliable ally. But those are acceptable risks compared to the chance of having the whole NATO having our back if there were to be war on our ground.

  • Because we’ve decided it’s nonethical for healthcare professionals. Any doctor knowingly prescribing placebo and lying about it could get in some major trouble. Like a couple decades ago I heard a psychiatrist mourn the loss of disulfiram (antabuse) implants from their treatment arsenal; it worked very well as a placebo but research didn’t show a clear improvement over placebo, so they could no longer use it.

    I am kind of glad that non-license-needing wellness consultants can still use the placebo effect for good, even if it is sometimes predatory and sometimes outright dangerous.

  • Is there a tea like matcha that would be good to cold brew?

    Sencha or any other green tea can be cold brewed.

    I’d add to this that if you want cold brew green tea that tastes anything like matcha, stick to Japanese greens. Just general “green tea” is IME usually more Chinese in style and a different (though also delicious) beast altogether. Sencha is the quintessential Japanese green tea and most easily available, and IMHO makes a very nice cold brew in summer.

    Actually cold brewing might also be a good experiment for any possibly remaining mid-grade matcha you may have, since the method tends to reduce astringency and bitterness; just use it like a normal tea (larger amount) and don’t stir towards the end, let the tea powder “gunk” settle at the bottom. I have not tried this.