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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • None of that actually says anything. Its just wide open phrasing that allows for limitless scope. Can you not see that somehow?

    All this is way out in the fucken weeds anyway man.

    Why the fuck are people trying to create a less inclusive and egalitarian society instead of trying to find and implement actual solutions to solve the problems that exist. And why do people who apparently think of themselves as progressive and socialist think any of this is OK?

    Use the mechanisms we have to push for positive long term structural change, using the huge moral and political advantage gained at the election. Build, change, organize, grow systems that actually help people who need it.

    Everyone is just going along with this stupid pointless circus because they feel guilty about British crimes and think this will somehow help people who died 200 years ago.

    Get a fucken grip and use your Democratic power to help, don’t throw your weight behind people who are making the world less inclusive ffs

  • My argument is that this is the shut way to make a change and does nothing to address any issue that . All it does is create a new branch of government that is exclusive to one type of people. That’s the start of apartheid, not a solution to the issues of health education and opportunity.

    They were and are included you fucking moron. How many first nations people are currently sitting members of state and federal parliament? And besides that every fucking person in this country has council members, state MPs and federal MPs already. Not included my shiny metal ass

  • Well you’ve just erected a pretty nice strawman there but not much else.

    “It has no legislative, executive, or judicial powers.”

    Nobody has any fucking clue what powers it might have, its a blank check. Show one fucking piece of evidence that there is any public plan for what this “advisory body” can and can’t do, or shut the fuck up.

    Sure, we can change it. But there has not been any fucking legitimate reason presented as to why we should. The arguments presented by the Yes campaign are certainly emotional, but not fucking one has presented any argument as to what this body will actually do to change anything.

  • Well I mean, have you researched the issue, analyzed it, and developed your own position based on evidence?

    Or are you just listening to what comes out of the TV?

    If you get your opinions from someone who hands them to you fully formed (like Voice good, no voice racist) then that is propaganda, not information.

    As to your second question - a: politicians scoring points and winning elections; and b: a whole lot of people who get a hand in deciding laws and economic decisions for their own special group.

    And before you bang out the line about lobby groups all having a say already - yes of course we should fuck those off as well because they too are undemocratic corruption