Someone’s gotta come out on top and someone’s gonna end up on the bottom. Maybe sometimes you switch, first he’s on top, now the other guy, just depending on how close it is. If it’s really close, they can be going at it, rolling around in a sweaty struggle for sometimes an hour or more.
Unironically a good solution for modern day pent up aggression and lonely male syndrome.
“We should normalize beating up strangers to cope with our fucked society” doesn’t sound appealing to me
Try boxing
First rule of the Fight Club app, dude.
Brawler: find fights, foes…
How about tinder but it’s for doing odd jobs for each other. You post the job you need doing and if both people swipe correctly you both have to do each other’s chore or odd job. Maybe it’s moving a couch or mowing a lawn. It’s a tit for tat, eye for an eye, or take a penny leave a penny type of system.
I think you just reinvented having a local community. We need that.
…and if it’s your first day, you have to fight.
These can be fights where you win by grinding each other down. So could call it Grindr!
“Fight” 😉
careful, Icarus, you’re dangerously close to unraveling the closeted circles of Republican voters. It starts as a coy game of lions and lambs, ends with brokeback mountaineering
I wish I could quit you.