Just lost my job and it’s so depressing seeing stuff like this every single day. 400+ applications and you don’t even get a call anymore. Nothing from recruiters. When you do get an offer, its 20% lower pay than ever before, while cost of living goes up. So you have to engage in borderline indentured servitude just to eat and pay rent.
Reduce your spend!
Rent is most of my budget. What else am I supposed to do?
I think they’re in order of importance.
But only you know if you can cut or not. like, are you at the point where you need to live in your car or sleep at the office or could you just buy bulk rice and beans and keep your nice comfy bed.
And the most important part about cutting your spending, that he fails to mention, is putting those savings into an income stream like dividend stocks or a high interest savings account. Money sitting in a checking account is losing value every day.
Everything ties back into the first point, dependency on a single wage is the entire problem people are having.
What the fuck is “money sitting in a checking account”??
My checking account has about -$130 right now.
if you can overdraw your checking account I would seriously rethink … everything.
So every impoverished person lol
Wow what wonderfully ignorant advice. “If you don’t have enough money, consider having more.” The majority (not just “a lot of people”, but literally more than 50%) of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
have you considered not having avocado toast and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps?
Some people just don’t want to be helped. it really is a choice, huh?
Whatever it is in gray below his nick, that’s just red flag after red flag.
your spend
Nothing says “coke-addled car salesman” like “the spend”. I wish self-respecting humans would quit that.
Weird how even in this comment section, forming a union was never mentioned
That’s banned in most states, even though banning it is illegal
To hell with any ban, workers united can never be defeated
Well, you did, comrade
“Stealth AI Startup”
Gotta say, couldn’t pick a less sympathetic person for the screenshot.
I think the trump HB1 visa thing has put a nail in this coffin for people in the tech industry. You have to compete with people who get paid 40% less and will be deported if they take a day off. If they made it so visas required prevailing wages and had better protections it would be less of a problem…
Not to mention programming is easily outsourced so wages heavily depend on things like relative education costs. All of which are likely to be less favorable while the country is being dismantled by an oligarch.
I don’t feel like the H1B is as big of an issue as outsourcing is. The company that I was just laid off from also laid off all the H1Bs and outsourced pretty much every junior role to India. I’m hearing about this in a lot of other companies as well. While this is anecdotal, it seems to me that with the rise of remote work, it proved that out sourcing was very viable. India has a huge talent pool of highly skilled engineers, who can speak English and are willing to work for pennies on the dollar. I’m not sure where AI plays part in this. Perhaps, it allows those outsourced developers to provide higher quality code faster than ever before, but I have no way to prove that.
Either way, it’s pretty much a blood bath in tech right now, not sure what to do myself. Considering going back to my old career.
My company is absolutely taking advantage of the H1Bs. They just did a huge round of “move to head quarters and take a pay cut or leave with severance”. Anecdotal, but it seemed to mostly target H1Bs. Every single one I know said they basically have to or return home because they don’t know if the government will even function to processes new sponsorships if they found one.
At this point I’m glad I’m a janitor and AI doesn’t mop floors…
And I feel sorry for anyone who take those “LeARn To CoDe” nutters seriously when they gave that as advice on how to leave poverty.
Not in a “Haha, I’m bette than you cause I’m blue collar” sense, but in a…
“I’m just grateful to have bread crumbs, the situation is dire, there are no easy solutions outside of revolting against our so-called masters.”
Same here. I’m so glad I got out of IT and software dev right now. I’m a refrigeration tech and my job isn’t going anywhere. As long as people need to make things cold or hot in my area then I have a job.
Hey, is there anyone else but me, watching Trump and Musk illegally feed Congressionally sanctioned and funded oversight institutions into the wood chipper without regard for any consequences whatsoever, what the time frame is before The Federal government of The United States of American brings back Human Slavery?
Human slavery never left if you read the 13th amendment.