They take every penny you don’t spend when you quit. I had to let 10k go earlier this year, and the kicker, the company you worked for gets to keep it. Carte Blanche. Mine gave it to mgrs as a bonus.
No, you should probably collect your documentation and engage an attorney. Money in an HSA is yours, whether you leave the company or not. Your contributions need to be made while you’re covered under an eligible health plan, but once you’ve made the contribution, funds are yours forever, and can be spend on any eligible expense in the future.
MAX OUT YOUR HSA YEARLY!!! BANDAIDS, NEOSPORIN, I THINK BURTS BEESWAX!!! They take every penny you don’t spend when you quit. I had to let 10k go earlier this year, and the kicker, the company you worked for gets to keep it. Carte Blanche. Mine gave it to mgrs as a bonus.
No, you should probably collect your documentation and engage an attorney. Money in an HSA is yours, whether you leave the company or not. Your contributions need to be made while you’re covered under an eligible health plan, but once you’ve made the contribution, funds are yours forever, and can be spend on any eligible expense in the future.