(fossbros dni)
Nice. We’ve had that idea in Luanti, but it didn’t get accepted /merged.
i don’t blame them honestly. there’s no real point to having activitypub federation in a game beyond silly experiments like this. (the low latency needs of a game would absolutely require a different protocol at the very least, even if federation made sense which i doubt)
Agree. The idea of having a large, joined world is nice. Like having some portals or borders which lead to the next server… But it changes things and is difficult to implement and integrate into the world and gameplay mechanics. On the other hand Minetest/Luanti is great for tinkering. So it would fit there. It’s just complicated. And we don’t really “need” it. And the light version: just federating usernames or inventory doesn’t do much for the gameplay.
Like having some portals or borders which lead to the next server
you don’t need federation to do that though… the server could Just™ send a packet to the client to redirect it to another server. minecraft for example already has this functionality and nearly all “large” servers make use of it.
honestly all use cases people think of for federated (in the AP way) game servers just feel like an attempt to cram federation as a buzzword anywhere they can think of “because its the next best thing trust me”, similar to many other bubbles (NFTs, AI)
Honestly, I think Matrix would be a better fit and be actually useable. A good alternative would be XMPP. They both should work great for the use case, both are FOSS and federated.
there is no “use case” here
what’s a fossbro
I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s someone who goes mad and doesn’t shut up about foss when someone mentions proprietary software (like minecraft)
Reminds me of this: https://kevquirk.com/blog/linux-elitism-again
minecraft is closed-source? there are no open-source clones?
Genuine question? Yes Minecraft is closed source but the Java version can be decompiled and a lot has been reverse engineered.
There are a few open source Minecraft clones. The most popular is Luanti formerly mine test which is more like an engine. The most popular? Minecraft clone made with it is named VoxeLibre formerly mineclone 2.
You mean “formerly”
Jep, I blame autocorrect.
All that really matters in the end is decompileability or source code availability. The other licensing stuff is extra and doesn’t matter because businesses fail and people die. When incapacitated, or sunk into obscurity it’s yours for the taking.
Minecraft Bedrock is written in and compiled from C++ and is completely closed-source.
The original Java version is technically also closed-source, but Java bytecode is relatively easy to decompile to a high level and Mojang (and surprisingly, even Microsoft*) tend to look the other way when people do that.
It seems like this was written for the Java version, but I’m not completely sure whether it’s simply a protocol conversion, in which case, the protocols are already well known, and converting it to work with Bedrock might not be too difficult.
Yes, there are open-source alternatives, but nowhere near as many people play those as play Minecraft, which is probably why that was the target platform and not one of the others.
*For now.
To add to this, Minecraft
JavaBedrock used to ship their code with all the debug symbols included, making modding easy. Although these were recently removed, much to the displeasure of the modding community. Everyone should throw a vote at this feedback issue to request them back, btw:The issue you linked is only about debug symbols in Bedrock edition.
Haha, dang it. Seems I got confused, turns out that was just a bedrock thing. Could’ve noticed that if I’d looked more closely at my own link 🙄
Well, they also removed C418’s music, which is part of what made Minecraft so iconic. So, fuck Microsoft and their bad decisions all around.
no they didn’t? that’s just a straight up lie.
Luanti (formerly Minetest) is an open source MC clone. Though I prefer Vintage Story. It’s not FOSS but has a readable source code and, in my opinion, more interesting gameplay.
ok this is the type of FOSS software I live for
disgusting idea 🥰
Now make it so that players from other servers can interact in 3d
I don’t get it. What does it do?
Chat messages are received over activitypub. You post to a Minecraft server like you do Mastodon. You can also follow a user on the server and I assume their messages show up in your client.
Seems like Matrix would be more suited for that kind of chat based environment.
Sometimes, u just need to be a little crazy to be a genius. Or u r just crazy.
BungeeCord exists.
cool. sadly i find minecraft super boring
Vintage Story might be more your jam, especially if you’ve played & liked the old TerraFirmaCraft total conversion mod for MC, or its TerraFirmaPunk modpack. It’s a lot more survival & progression focused.
I have played no minecraft. Its just dull and boring. I actually don’t play much games anymore as i haven’t found anything that grabs my attention other than factorio and aurora4x, and even factorio i dont even play much anymore
Respectfully, but you cannot really judge a game to be super boring & dull if you literally have not played it yourself. The idea of MC was always great, it’s just unfortunately that it went fully into appealing to a kiddie audience over the years, which I think also pushed away a lot of modders and other players who wanted a more complex experience.
i played it. it was dumb to me.
You literally just said that you have not played it…
sorry, your right, i should correct myself, i have TRIED it, but havent fully played it.