My salary didn’t change at all, but homes went up 82%. The money I saved for a down payment and my salary no longer are good enough for this home and many others. This ain’t even a “good” home either. It was a 200k meh average ok home before. Now it’s simply unaffordable

    4 months ago

    To add to that, we also the only generation who lived thru the only housing bubble giving a hesitation to the concept that realestate has always been the safest investment. They’re buying high but are able to control most of not all extrinsic variables that could keep them from selling higher than they purchased. There aren’t many ways to invest money that you 100% either control the out come of or can insure what you cant control. The exceptions like community wide property value loss are still specific to the properties location that you decide before purchase. I know there are cases where your research before buying can fuck you but it’s still more control than investing in the market where everything about the value of your asset is out of your hands. All you can control is how it’s value is managed.