It’s extremely rewarding and difficult to be nice in GTA.
Try it out sometime. You’ll learn to hate the Chinese like everyone else.
That took a turn
That classic “trying to obey (traffic) laws” thing everyone does when bored in the game
Anon cranks his hog by example, finds a following.
San Andreas had online multiplayer? 🤨
Was that exclusive to PC? It sure as fuck didn’t on PS2. Only multiplayer I remember was you could do was having your buddy play as your girlfriend in co-op locally.
You could only get so far apart because it gave a birds eye view of both players. It made riding bikes around hilarious - you’d instantly go from highway speed to stopped because one person crashed.
I remember playing guild wars 2 forever ago with one of my friends, we discovered that the walking animation while carrying a 2h weapon was extremely cool so we just started walking across the zone. It wasn’t long before we had a small following and we all just explored while looking dope.