I’m going to move away from lastpass because the user experience is pretty fucking shit. I was going to look at 1pass as I use it a lot at work and so know it. However I have heard a lot of praise for BitWarden and VaultWarden on here and so probably going to try them out first.

My questions are to those of you who self-host, firstly: why?

And how do you mitigate the risk of your internet going down at home and blocking your access while away?

BitWarden’s paid tier is only $10 a year which I’m happy to pay to support a decent service, but im curious about the benefits of the above. I already run syncthing on a pi so adding a password manager wouldn’t need any additional hardware.

    • rhabarba@feddit.org
      5 months ago

      There is no difference other than a shiny logo and a “contract” that promises you that the random stranger will take care. I promise that I will take care too.

      If you still think there is a relevant difference, please tell me. To me, it looks like you don’t fully understand what a password manager stored on other people’s computers does.