Thought this might be helpful as a lot of these mini PCs are hitting the used market.

    6 months ago

    Yeah I ran ethernet everywhere when I bought my house and it’s fantastic. Multi-gig everywhere!

    I’m also never fucking doing that again because the builder of my house must have gotten a fantastic fucking deal 120 years ago on 2x4s, because they decided to do a narrow cross-bracing between studs on every damn wall, so I had fucking rock-hard old growth 2x4s to drill through every 14 inches or so in every damn wall I was running cables on.

    Killed several hundred dollars in drill bits and other tools (broke a few fish tapes!) getting this shit done, AND it took like a month to get finished and then the walls patched where I had to cut into it to see what in the fuck the drill was hitting.

    But yeah, ethernet everywhere is great!