You’ve reminded me of a similar frustration that I’ve never found the answer to - though it may be adblock related - in that whenever I open a link to eBay it completely wipes the history for that tab. Or possibly it opens a new tab and kills the parent. Either way I always forget about it until the next time and then it drives me mad all over again.
You’ve reminded me of a similar frustration that I’ve never found the answer to - though it may be adblock related - in that whenever I open a link to eBay it completely wipes the history for that tab. Or possibly it opens a new tab and kills the parent. Either way I always forget about it until the next time and then it drives me mad all over again.
Reddit has been doing this when I click a result from a Google search (yeah, sometimes you have to)
It’s fucking annoying and I hope whatever JavaScript trick lets them do this gets blocked
I use a Firefox based browser and this hasn’t happened to me, are you using Chromium or Safari? Could be a browser specific issue