It really is lacking basic functionality. Hell, o can’t even order torrents that are currently running by size or % done, which would be really helpful if it existed
Also, I don’t think it’s actively developed anymore, I haven’t seen an update in its functionality in at least 5 years, maybe even 10
I feel like Transmission is getting unnecessary hate from this chart. It works very good, is stable, efficient…
its the perfect client for arr or just simple torreting
It’s lthe only one I’d use but…
It really is lacking basic functionality. Hell, o can’t even order torrents that are currently running by size or % done, which would be really helpful if it existed
Also, I don’t think it’s actively developed anymore, I haven’t seen an update in its functionality in at least 5 years, maybe even 10
It’s definitely still actively developed
Sure you can, click the gear icon and do it. Not hard.
fud fud fud